Management of Projects

beheer, advies, training, onderzoek

Publicaties door de loop der jaren

  1. Maryam R. Nezami, Mark L.C. de Bruijne, Marcel J.C.M. Hertogh, Hans L.M. Bakker
    Assessment criteria for inter-organisational collaboration in interconnected infrastructure projects,
    Submitted to Journal of Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management
  3. MR Nezami, MLC de Bruijne, MJCM Hertogh, HLM Bakker
    Inter-Organizational Collaboration in Interconnected Infrastructure Projects
    Sustainability 15 (8), 6721, 2023
  5. Yan Liu, Erik-Jan Houwing, Marcel Hertogh, Hans Bakker
    Project based learning principles: insights from the development of large infrastructure
    Accepted for IPMA RC 2023
  7. Maryam R. Nezami, Mark L.C. de Bruijne, Marcel J.C.M. Hertogh, Hans L.M. Bakker
    Collaboration and data sharing in inter-organisational infrastructure construction projects,
    Sustainability 2022, 14, 16835.
  9. Marco van der Zwaag, Tong Wang, Hans Bakker, Sander van Nederveen, A.C.B. Schuurman and Douwe Bosma
    Evaluating building circularity in the early design phase
    Automation in Construction, 152 (2023) 104941, 1-28
  11. Önder Ökmen, Martijn Leijten, Theodora Stratton, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker
    Identifying perspectives in an organization for improvement in project risk management,
    Submitted to Journal of Management in Engineering
  13. Jaap Stoppels, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Herman Mooi, Hans Bakker
    Exploring project steering committees,
    Accepted by Journal of Modern Project Management
  15. Guus Keusters, Frederique Batelaan, Froukje Sleeswijk Visser, Erik-Jan Houwing, Hans Bakker
    The Potential of the Empathic Ability for the Performance of Civil Engineering Projects,
    Submitted to the Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
  17. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker en Marcel Hertogh
    Feasibility and planning, invited Chapter
    Chapter in Gower Handbook on Project Management, Springer Verlag
  19. Lise Andringa, Önder Ökmen, Martijn Leijten, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker
    Incorporating project complexities in risk assessment: case of an airport expansion construction project,
    Journal of Management in Engineering, 38(6) 2022
  21. Maryam R. Nezami, Mark de Bruijne, Marcel Hertogh, Hans L.M. Bakker
    Identifying the key challenges of Inter-organisational collaboration
    EURAM Conference 2022, 15-17 June, Zurich, Switzerland
  23. Jaap Stoppels, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Herman Mooi, Hans L.M. Bakker
    Exploring project steering committees
    EURAM Conference 2022, 15-17 June, Zurich, Switzerland
  25. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Gerrit Wijnands, Hans Bakker
    Engineering service providers in the lead to implement Sustainable Project Management
    Proposed contribution to Research Handbook on Sustainable Project Management eds. G.Silvius, Part 5: Implementation and case studies of Sustainable Project Management
  27. Önder Ökmen, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker
    Evaluation of Managerial Flexibilities in Critical Path Method Based Construction Schedules
    Chapter in Research on Project, Programme and Portfolio Management, eds. R. Ding, R. Wagner and C.N. Bodea, Springer Verlag, Deutschland, ISBN 978-3-030-86247-3, December 2021
  29. Martine van den Boomen, Rob Treiture, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh
    Rekenen aan levenscycluskosten bij lage discontovoeten, DACE View on Value, november 2021
  31. Ö. Ökmen, M.G.C. Bosch-Rekveldt, H.L.M. Bakker
    Evaluation of expansion in managerial flexibilities of critical path method scheduling under uncertainty through a risk simulation model
    14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2021
  33. Guus C.A.M. Keusters, Hans L.M. Bakker, Erik-Jan Houwing
    Improving the performance of civil engineering projects through the integrated design process
    Submitted to Journal of Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management
  35. Maryam R. Nezami, Mark de Bruijne, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh
    The status of innovation in infrastructure projects: the obstacles to flexibility
    International symposia for next generation infrastructure 2021
  37. Martin J. van Dijkhuizen, Ruben Vrijhoef, Hans L.M. Bakker
    Conceptual model to determine the influence of off-site construction on labour productivity
    Proceedings 29th Annual International Group for Lean Construction Conference - IGLC 2021, Lima, Peru
  39. Martine van den Boomen, Hans Bakker, Daan Schraven en Marcel Hertogh
    Probabilistisch ramen van levensduurkosten op basis van prijsindices
    View on Value, Januari 2021
  41. Yan Liu, Arash Amini-Abyaneh, Marcel Hertogh, Erik-Jan Houwing and Hans Bakker
    Collaborate to learn and learn to collaborate: a case of exploitative learning in the inter-organizational Project
    Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, March 2021
  43. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Leonie Koops, Hans Bakker
    Unravelling perspectives using Q-methodology
    To be published as Chapter in TU Delft Methods ed. Louis Lousberg
  45. Ökmen, Önder; Bosch-Rekveldt, Marian; Bakker, Hans
    Evaluation of managerial flexibilities in critical path method-based construction schedules
    IPMA Research Conference 2020, Springer Verlag
  47. Jalali Sohi A., Nezami M.R., Bakker H., Hertogh M. (2021)
    Inter-Organizational Co-Creation: An Approach to Support Energy Transition Projects
    In: Cuevas R., Bodea CN., Torres-Lima P. (eds) Research on Project, Programme and Portfolio Management
    Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham.
  49. Van den Boomen, M., Bakker, H.L.M., Schraven, D.F.J., Hertogh, M.J.C.M.
    Probabilistic life cycle cash flow forecasting with price uncertainty following a Geometric Brownian Motion
    Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 14 October 2020,
  51. Maryam R. Nezami, Afshin Jalali Sohi, Mark de Bruijne, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh
    On the Relationship between Data sharing and Collaboration in Inter-organizational Projects
    EURAM 2020 Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 10-12 June 2020
  53. Maedeh Molaei, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker
    Extending the view on project success, Administrative Sciences 2019, 9(3) 65
  55. Maryam R. Nezami, Afshin Jalali Sohi, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh
    Is collaboration in inter-organisational projects data driven or not?
    International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructures, 18-20 September 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  57. Hans Bakker
    Intensieve cursus Management of Engineering Projects (MEP) 2019
    NAP Nieuws, 56 (2019) 14 juli
  59. Afshin Jalali Sohi, Maryam Rikhtegarnezami, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh
    Inter-organizational Co-creation: an approach to support energy transition projects
    IPMA2019 World Congress, Mexico, September 2019
  61. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Catharina de Jong, Louis Lousberg, Hans Bakker
    Fit-for-purpose project management adjustments
    PM Congress 2019, 11-12 April, TU Delft, The Netherlands
  63. Maedeh Molaei, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker
    Comparative analysis of project management efforts across different sectors
    PM Congress 2019, 11-12 April, TU Delft, The Netherlands
  65. Maedeh Molaei, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker
    Advancing the Research on Project Performance: Using Necessary Condition Analysis
    EURAM 2019, Lissabon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2019
  67. Leonie Koops, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker and Marcel Hertogh
    The Public Value Chain, in: The practitioner’s Handbook of Project Performance, (2020) 268-285, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK
  69. Hans Bakker, Thilak Narayanadoss, Mohammad Suprapto, Andrzej Stankiewicz
    Valorisation in the process industry: a comparative study of 5 cases
    Engineering and Technology 2019 6(1): 1-14
  71. Hans Bakker en Roald Arkesteijn
    Intensieve cursus Management of Engineering Projects 2018
    NAP Nieuws, 52 (2018) juni
  73. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker and Marcel Hertogh
    Comparing project complexity across different industry sectors, Complexity, vol. 2018, Article ID 3246508, 15 pages, 2018;
  75. Annelot Verbruggen, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker
    De veranderende rol van projectmanager in een agile organisatie Projectie 2(2018) 24-29
  77. Hans Bakker
    Trends and Challenges (Chapter 16)
    in “Projects and People – Mastering success”, eds Hans L.M. Bakker and Jaap P. de Kleijn (2018) 312-324, NAP Netwerk, Nijkerk, The Netherlands
  79. Hans Bakker
    Introduction (Chapter 1)
    in “Projects and People – Mastering success”, eds Hans L.M. Bakker and Jaap P. de Kleijn (2018) 2-15, NAP Netwerk, Nijkerk, The Netherlands
  81. Maedeh Molaei, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker,
    Extending the view on project performance,
    Submitted for publication in Engineering and Architecture Management
  83. L.S.W. Koops, M.G.C. Bosch-Rekveldt, H.L.M. Bakker, M.J.C.M.Hertogh,
    The Public Value Chain, Chapter in Grower Handbook
    Invited submission for publication (31.07.2018)
  85. H.L.M. Bakker, T. Narayanadoss, M. Suprapto, A. Stankiewicz,
    Valorisation in the process industry: a comparative study of 5 cases,
    Submitted for publication to Engineering and Technology Journal (23.07.2018)
  87. Hans Bakker en Roald Arkesteijn,
    Intensieve cursus Management of Engineering Projects 2018,
    NAP Nieuws, 52 (2018) juni
  89. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker and Marcel Hertogh
    Comparing project complexity across different industry sectors,
    Complexity, vol. 2018, Article ID 3246508, 15 pages, 2018
  91. Annelot Verbruggen, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker
    De veranderende rol van projectmanager in een agile organisatie
    Projectie 2(2018) 24-29
  93. H.L.M. Bakker, F. Wang, M.G.C. Bosch-Rekveldt, J.M. Eykelenboom,
    Organisational Effectiveness: a case study into collaboration in an integrated project team,
    Civil Engineering Research Journal 4(3) (2018) 555637.
  95. 11. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh,
    Investigating practitioners’ perspectives on project success factors,
    EURAM 2018, Reykjavik, 20-22 June 2018
  97. Annelot Verbruggen, Hans Bakker, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Martijn van Nierop,
    De veranderende rol van projectmanager in een agile organisatie,
    KWD Vakblad, 9 februari 2018
  99. Leonie Koops, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Marcel Hertogh, Hans Bakker,
    The development and testing of the public value chain
    Submitted for publication in special issue International Journal of Project Management, 01.12.2017
  101. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh,
    Comparing Project Complexity Across Different Industry Sectors,
    Submitted for publication in special issue of Complexity: Complexity and Project Management: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Research
  103. Leonie Koops, Cecile van Loenhout, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Marcel Hertogh, Hans Bakker,
    Different perspectives of public project managers on project success,
    Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24 (6) 2017
  105. Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh, Ton Vrijdag,
    Safety as project success factor in a civil project: a case study,
    Civil Engineering Research Journal 2(3) (2017) 555587
  107. Maedeh Molaei , Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker,
    Exploring the views on factors leading to success in different project contexts,
    30th IPMA World Congress 2017, 5-7 September, Astana, Kazakhstan
  109. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh,
    Comparing Project Complexity Across Different Industry Sectors,
    13th International OTMC conference, September 27-29, 2017, Croatia
  111. Roald Arkesteijn en Hans Bakker,
    Intensieve cursus MEP 2017,
    NAP Nieuws, 48 (2017) 19 juli
  113. S. Merkus, D. Schipper, T. Willems, A. Van Marrewijk, J.F.M. Koppejan, M. Veenswijk, H.L.M. Bakker,
    A storm is coming? Collective sensemaking and ambiguity in an inter-organizational team managing railway system disruptions,
    Journal of Change Management,
  115. Leonie Koops, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh,
    Exploring the influence of external actors on the cooperation in public-private project organisations for constructing infrastructure,
    International Journal of Project Management 35 (2016) 618-632,
  117. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh,
    MOOC onze eerste ervaringen,
    NAP Nieuws 45 (2017), 26 januari 2017, NAP Netwerk, Nijkerk, The Netherlands
  119. H.L.M. Bakker, Projectificatie van de maatschappij,
    Trends in Projectmanagement, Het projectmanagement aanzien van 2016, IPMA-Certificering, 19 december 2016, Nieuwegein
  121. Mohammad Suprapto, Hans L.M. Bakker, Herman G. Mooi, Marcel J.C.M. Hertogh,
    How do contract types and incentives matter to project performance?
    International Journal of Project Management 34 (2016) 1071-1087
  123. Leonie Koops, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Laura Coman, Marcel Hertogh, Hans Bakker,
    Identifying perspectives of public project managers on project success: Comparing viewpoints of managers from five countries in North-West Europe,
    International Journal of Project Management 34 (2016) 874-889
  125. H.L.M. Bakker, F. Wang, M.G.C. Bosch-Rekveldt,
    Social Network Analysis: a case study into collaboration within an integrated project team, IPMA Projectie Magazine 23(01) (2016) 16-23
  127. Marcel Hertogh, Jeroen Rijke, Hans Bakker,
    Opportunity framing for infrastructure projects, Cost & Value, 9(2016)8-11
  129. H.L.M. Bakker, Valorisation, IPMA Projectie Magazine 23(01) (2016) 29
  131. H.L.M. Bakker, Next practices, IPMA Projectie Magazine, 22(06) (2015) 29
  133. H.L.M. Bakker, Collaboration, IPMA Projectie Magazine, 22(05) (2015) 41
  135. H.L.M. Bakker, T. Narayanadoss, M. Suprapto, A. Stankiewicz,
    Valorisation in the process industry: a comparative study of 5 cases,
    To be published
  137. H.L.M. Bakker, F. Wang, M.G.C. Bosch-Rekveldt, J.M. Eykelenboom,
    Organisational Effectiveness: a case study into collaboration in an integrated project team,
    To be published
  139. H.L.M. Bakker, Social Network Analysis, Projectie 04 (2015) 41
  141. Leonie Koops, Laura Coman, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Marcel Hertogh, Hans Bakker,
    Public Perspectives on Project Success–Influenced by National Culture?
    Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 194 (2015), 115-124
  143. H.L.M. Bakker, G.C. van Vrede and H.G. Mooi,
    Project management in high-tech start-ups: an explorative case study,
    To be published
  145. H.L.M. Bakker, C. van de Loo and M.G.C. Bosch-Rekveldt,
    How to make smaller projects more successful: a fit-for-purpose approach,
    To be published
  147. Hans Bakker,
    Trends and challenges towards project management in 2025
    In: "Cost estimating and project controls, closing the loop"
    Cost Engineering Consultancy, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands May(2015)69-77
  149. Hans Bakker,
    Civiele projecten kunnen echt veilig, Hoofdstuk in “Evaluatie Sluiskiltunnel, reflectie vanuit wetenschap en praktijk”,
    Marcel Hertogh, Hans Bakker, Ard-Pieter de Man en Roel Scholten, juni 2015, Nederlands Centrum voor Ondergronds Bouwen, Delft, The Netherlands
  151. H.L.M. Bakker, oPMerkelijk,
    Projectie IPMA-NL 22(2) (2015) 45
  153. M. Suprapto, H.G. Mooi, H.L.M. Bakker,
    The impact of contract type and incentive on the performance of capital projects,
    EURAM 2015 Conference, June 2015, Warsaw, Poland
  155. H.L.M. Bakker,
    Trends and Challenges (Chapter 14) in “Management of engineering projects - People are Key”, eds H.L.M. Bakker and J.P. de Kleijn (2014) 280-291, NAP Netwerk, Nijkerk, The Netherlands
  157. H.L.M. Bakker,
    Introduction (Chapter 1) in “Management of engineering projects - People are Key”, eds H.L.M. Bakker and J.P. de Kleijn (2014) 2-22, NAP Netwerk, Nijkerk, The Netherlands
  159. Mohammad Suprapto, Hans Bakker and Herman Mooi,
    Relational factors in owner-contractor collaboration: The mediating role of teamworking,
    International Journal of Project Management, 33 (2015) 1347-1363
  161. Leonie Koops, Laura Coman, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Marcel Hertogh and Hans Bakker,
    Public perspectives on project success – influenced by national culture?
    28th IPMA World Congress, September 2014, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  163. Hans L.M. Bakker,
    Van lijnmanagement naar project management: overstap of evolutie?
    Hoofdstuk in Boek “In dialoog over veranderen”, eds C.den Uijl-de Vries, G. Koch, G. Silvius & R. Blaas, Aetsveld Consultancy (2014) 218-235,, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
  165. Mohammad Suprapto, Hans L.M. Bakker, Herman G. Mooi, Wim Moree,
    Sorting out the essence of owner-contractor collaboration in capital projects delivery,
    International Journal of Project Management 33 (2015) 664–683
  167. M. Suprapto, H.L.M. Bakker, H.G. Mooi, W. Moree,
    Sorting out the essence of owner-contractor collaboration in capital projects delivery, EURAM 2014 Conference, June 2014, Valencia, Spain
  169. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh and Herman Mooi,
    Drivers of Complexity in Engineering Projects, In: ”Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling, Chapter 48, 1079-1101, ed. C. Schwindt and J. Zimmermann, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2014
  171. Silvana Paniagua Tufinio, Herman Mooi, Wim Ravestijn, Hans Bakker, Meindert Boorsma,
    Sustainability in project management: where are we?
    MOTSP 2012 Conference, Croatia, June 2012
  173. Mohammad Suprapto, Herman Mooi and Hans Bakker,
    How far can you go? Exploring long term contractual relationship in an engineering project,
    EURAM 2012 Conference, Rotterdam, June 2012
  175. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker, Herman Mooi,
    Projectontwikkeling afstemmen op complexiteit van het project
    Projectie, IPMA-NL, June 2011
  177. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Herman Mooi, Hans Bakker, Alexander Verbraeck,
    The value of FED practices: what different levels of analysis learn us,
    IRNOP Conference, Montreal, June 2011
  179. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Jeroen Smith, Herman Mooi, Hans Bakker, Alexander Verbraeck,
    The application of Value Improving Practices: team integration pays off!
    EURAM Conference, Talinn, June 2011
  181. M. Bosch-Rekveldt, Y. Jongkind, H. Mooi, H.L.M. Bakker and A. Verbraeck,
    Grasping project complexity in large engineering projects: The TOE (Technical, Organizational and Environmental) framework,
    International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 728-739
  183. Jeroen Smith, Hans Bakker, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt,
    Projecten beter voorspelbaar maken: onderzoek naar relaties complexiteit en project succes,
    Projectie, IPMA-NL, November 2010
  185. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Herman Mooi, Hans Bakker,
    Verschillende competenties voor verschillende typen complexiteit
    Projectie, IPMA-NL, November 2010
  187. H.L.M. Bakker, R. Arkesteijn, M.G.C. Bosch-Rekveldt and H.G. Mooi,
    Project success from the perspective of owners and contractors in the process industry,
    IPMA 2010 World Congress
  189. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Stephan Hermanides, Herman Mooi, Hans Bakker, Alexander Verbraeck,
    The influence of project front end management and project complexity on project success: a contingency approach in project management research,
    PMI Research and Education Conference 2010
  191. Marian Bosch, Alexander Verbraeck, Herman Mooi, Hans Bakker,
    Perspectives of project professionals on project complexity in the process and energy industry,
    IRNOP paper, Conference Berlin, October 2009
  193. Peter Storm, Hans Bakker, Robbert van Alen, Gerard Scheffrahn, Eddy Westerveld,
    Onderzoek naar projectmanagement,
    Seminar AT Osborne, Baarn, The Netherlands, 9 September 2009
  195. Prof.Dr. H.L.M. Bakker,
    Management of Projects: a people process,
    Inaugural Address, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 14 May 2008
  197. Han Gesink and Hans Bakker,
    Masterful Planning,
    Fundamentals of the Global Oil and Gas Industry, 5.2 (2005) 114-116
  199. Hans L.M. Bakker and Nick M.W. Smallwood,
    Pole Position in Capital Investment Projects,
    Petrotech, Bahrain, 18-21 September 2003
  201. Hans L.M. Bakker and Nick M.W. Smallwood,
    Pole Position in Capital Investment Projects,
    Petrotrin, Trinidad, 24-25 June 2003